Películas similares a The Secret of Mulan

Si te gustó The Secret of Mulan y estás buscando películas del mismo estilo, es muy posible que te gusten las siguientes recomendaciones. Estos son los resultados que hemos encontrado que podrían interesarte:

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A Chinese girl must become a warrior to fight a war and to save her village by convincing a dragon to melt the snows. She must overcome the trials of the four elements, with the help of a medalli ...
Three tales of love told through wildly intoxicating, colorful stories. When platinum redhead Ovreneli Vreneligare was just a little boy, he fell in love in the park. Sharing a juice box with the ...
The director Gaetano Di Vaio wanders around in a Naples that struggles to survive, telling the difficulties of those who, on the margins of society, try to overcome the shortcomings of the state, ...
A historical classic drama in three acts, retold after an original prologue about dreams and nightmares of the thirteen-year-old noble heroine, Maria de Noronha. ...
Cuando un devastador golpe de lacrosse pone patas arriba el mundo de Solomon White, se enfrenta al desafío de encontrar una nueva perspectiva de la vida en más de un sentido. La inspiración ll ...
You have never seen bands interviewed like this! Most metal celebrities never expect journalists to ask the most bizarre questions ever imagined, that is, unless they are familiar with "The Grimo ...
Yoel and Ewa have been married for a long time. While putting order in their papers, he finds a bank note informing him of a loan on an apartment he owns, which he never knew about. Yoel discover ...
Kageyama (Sho Sakurai) works as the butler for rich heiress Reiko Hosho (Keiko Kitagawa). Reiko happens to be a novice detective but lacks certain deductive skills needed by detectives. Because o ...
A man and his wife take to their house some men they rescue from a road crash and then find they have picked up some dangerous criminals. ...
James Davis: Live From The Town is a raucous hour of comedy that puts Davis’s second-to-none stage presence and crowd engagement on full display. With a captivating delivery that keeps his audi ...
Françoise Gilot conoce a Picasso, en el año 1943, ella tiene 21 años y expone su obra por primera vez. Picasso tiene 61 años, está en el momento álgido de su fama. Pasaron 10 años juntos y ...
Louisa es una joven provinciana que llega a la capital en busca de una vida mejor. Después de varios meses pateando las calles en busca de trabajo consigue, gracias a su nueva amiga Yvonne, un p ...
During WWII, a bunch of children, with 11-year old Anton and his younger brother Rudi in the middle, meet up at a wall at the cemetery. They regularly have tests of courage. As it is Rudi's turn, ...
Released after 8 years in prison, Adrien finds his family home. He discovers that his wife Teresa has moved in with Roger, and his children make the 400 blows and his former accomplices are not d ...
A story of two young people in Hungary, Jancsi and Kata. First they are good friends, later lovers. Soon after the 1956 Revolution Kata leaves Hungary, Jancsi stays there. After 10 years Jancsi i ...

Otras recomendaciones alternativas

Si no has encontrado películas similares de tu agrado, puedes probar con este listado de recomendaciones basadas en el género y temáticas de The Secret of Mulan.