Películas de misterio de Zizan Razak

Películas de Zizan Razak filtradas por género

🎭 Amran
Amran, Kunyit and Mat Motor goes on a getaway with their girlfriends to Fraser's Hill but is stalled when one of their member's bike breaks down. They are approached by mysterious local girl Ayu, ...
🎭 Ajis
Ahmad Idham's local comedy sees four friends, Ajis, Ben, Yaya and Diana, who are assigned to hike into an abandoned cave, Gua Bewah, in order to study the history of the place as their final year ...
🎭 Amran
"Hantu Bonceng" revolves around Amran (Zizan Raja Lawak) a delivery boy who often races in illegal drag races. It all started when Amran wins a race and is given a girl as his prize for winning t ...