Películas románticas de Zena Keefe

Películas de Zena Keefe filtradas por género

🎭 Mabel Llewellyn
Ellen Llewellyn is a chorus girl who is loved by orchestra leader Andy Owens, a genuinely nice guy. When Ellen meets the aristocratic Tony Winterslip, she's impressed by his family tree and vast ...
🎭 Musette
Mimi, an orphan, is taken in by a drunken innkeeper and becomes a domestic. She meets Rudolphe, scion of a well-to-do family, who rescues her from the unwanted advances of a drunken hotel guest. ...
🎭 Bianca
Angelo and his daughter Bianca are poor Italian immigrants. They sell fruit and vegetables on the street with the help of Nicola, who is in love with Bianca. To Nicola's dismay, a flirtatious bar ...
🎭 Cecilia Wentworth
Mrs. Wentworth and her daughter Cecile are living at one of the fashionable hotels in the city. James Davidson, who is engaged to Cecile, has agreed to join a theater party with them. At the last ...