Comedias de Zena Keefe

Películas de Zena Keefe filtradas por género

🎭 Mabel Llewellyn
Ellen Llewellyn is a chorus girl who is loved by orchestra leader Andy Owens, a genuinely nice guy. When Ellen meets the aristocratic Tony Winterslip, she's impressed by his family tree and vast ...
🎭 Anne Chester
American newspaper reporter Jim Crocker's madcap escapades in London earn him notoriety and the nickname "Piccadilly Jim." When he overhears his American cousin by marriage, Ann Chester, giving h ...
🎭 Jackie Sampson
🎭 Alys Trevor - the Daughter
Seeing Cutey play the part of a maid of all work at a college play, Alys Trevor seeks an introduction to him and they soon become good friends. She takes him with her to present him to her mother ...
🎭 Cecilia Wentworth
Mrs. Wentworth and her daughter Cecile are living at one of the fashionable hotels in the city. James Davidson, who is engaged to Cecile, has agreed to join a theater party with them. At the last ...
🎭 The Nurse
Sir Brian, an irascible old gentleman, who suffers from gout, receives a note saying his son Gerald is very ill at college, and asking him to come to Dublin. He is too ill to go so he gets his fr ...