Filmografía de Yuliya Solntseva como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Yuliya Solntseva

🎭 Vasyl's Sister
Un viejo campesino ucraniano se dispone a morir sobre la tierra en la que ha trabajado toda su vida. Su nieto, Vasil, decide entonces que el consejo de la villa debe comprar un tractor para compa ...
Jimmy Higgings is a worker of the plant making weapons for the Tsarist Russia and the German Empire. During World War I, Jimmy speaks at a spontaneous rally against the war. He is arrested. When ...
🎭 Zina Vesenina, cigarette girl
As she works in her tedious office job, Maria Ivanovna dreams about being married, and she has particular hopes that her co-worker Nikodim Mityushin will take an interest in her. Nikodim, though, ...
🎭 Aelita, Queen of Mars
A young man travels to Mars in a rocket ship, where he leads a popular uprising against the ruling group with the support of Queen Aelita, who has fallen in love with him after watching him throu ...