Películas dramáticas de 袁日初

Películas de 袁日初 filtradas por género

👔 Martial Arts Choreographer
Hsiao Hu has been secretly training in martial arts, as his father (Tien Feng) has forbidden him. Later, some local store owners ask Ah to help protect them from a greedy Chinese extortion ring. ...
🎭 One of Ma's Men
Leaving the poverty of his life in Shantung to seek fortune in Shanghai, The Boxer is instead drawn into a world of corruption, gang warfare and evil... Where his only protection is his famed fig ...
A finales de la dinastía Tang, Li Ke-young, gobernador del estado de Sha To, y sus trece hijos, emprendieron la captura de la capital imperial Changan a manos de los rebeldes. Durante la campañ ...