Comedias de Евгения Симонова

Películas de Евгения Симонова filtradas por género

A young taxi driver comes across a profitable business: to drive a new Volga to the Caucasus. Having deceived his boss, he arranges for a few days at his own expense and goes on a trip. On the wa ...
🎭 Valentina Nikolayevna
🎭 принцесса
A wizard invents characters who all come to life and start to arrive at his house: a King, his servants, a princes, a bear trapped in a man's body - the usual lot. The Plot mainly rotates around ...
🎭 Наташа Земляникина
Three wonderful chefs from Yerevan come to Moscow to participate in the contest of masters of culinary art. Despite all their efforts and skill, the prizewinning place from the Armenians floats a ...
🎭 Сесили Кардью
When Algernon discovers that his friend, Ernest, has created a fictional brother for whenever he needs a reason to escape dull country life, Algernon poses as the brother, resulting in ever incre ...
🎭 Катя Снегирёва
🎭 Violette
A story of three struggling artists: a painter, a poet, and a composer, living in a bohemian Montmartre district of Paris. They help a poor flower girl, Violette, to find shelter, when she is thr ...
🎭 Masha Popova
Alexey Titarenko is very talented pilot and brave leader of "Singing group". He also must look after some new cadets and fight together with them against German Luftwaffe planes. Close to Alexey ...