Comedias de Walter Müller

Películas de Walter Müller filtradas por género

🎭 Dr. Emil Rautenstrauch
🎭 Robert
Robert, Peter and Fritz are the best of friends ... and hopelessly broke. But they don't let that stop them and in short order, they end up renting a deserted gas station. With just a little bit ...
🎭 Musketier Max Plettke
🎭 Robert Bullinger
🎭 Leopold
Head waiter Leopold has been secretly in love with the hostess Josepha for a long time, but she only has eyes for Dr. Siedler, a guest in the White Horse Inn. Leopold tries to get Dr. Siedler in ...
🎭 Hans Stiegler
The actors Heinz Doll, Hans Stiegler and Werner Mack have failed to look after the end of the last season in time for a new commitment and are now unemployed. Since they are just right that the S ...
🎭 Robby Weber, Schlagzeuger, Martins Freund
🎭 Erwin Forster, Ingenieur
Blonde goddess Marika Rökk plays Julia Koster, a ravishing red-headed musical revue star and her opening number, "At Night It Isn't Right To Be Alone", playing to a packed theater, is both an ey ...
🎭 Ferdinand Haberl
Herzensfreud-Herzensleid (literally translates to "Heartfelt Joy - Heartbreak"), the 1940 Hubert Marischka German family relationship romantic comedy starring Magda Schneider, Paul Horbiger (late ...