Películas de acción de Waldemar Bergendahl

Películas de Waldemar Bergendahl filtradas por género

👔 Producer
En 1192, Arn vuelve a su tierra con grandes proyectos y una enorme fortuna para hacerlos realidad. Sueña con volver a ver a su amada Cecilia y formar una familia; además, desea restablecer la p ...
🎭 Producer
Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. ...
🎭 Production Manager
Young Felix is a trainee at a fire station, but he is afraid of heights and can not stand the sight of blood. His future as a fireman is doubtful and when he is suspended he steals an ambulance t ...