Películas históricas de Владимир Валуцкий

Películas de Владимир Валуцкий filtradas por género

👔 Writer
Este film está basado en la historia real del pirata griego convertido en hombre de negocios Ionnis Varvakis, quien hizo su fortuna vendiendo caviar en Rusia y en todo el mundo. Varvakis dedicó ...
🎭 Screenplay
Early XI century. Envoys of Henry, King of France, arrive to Kiev and ask Prince Yaroslav for the hand of his youngest daughter Anna. Rich, young and beautiful Anna Yaroslavna, accompanied by the ...
🎭 Writer
Young patriotic young man ends up in the on Chukotka right after the civil war, where he intends to spread ideas of justice and equality among the natives. As it happens, instead he learn the loc ...