Películas dramáticas de Vittoria Prada

Películas de Vittoria Prada filtradas por género

🎭 Bianca
Una última carta de Don Quijote dirigida a su amada Dulcinea llega, por medio de su escudero Sancho, a manos de Aldonza, moza de una venta castellana. La carta conmueve tanto a la muchacha que d ...
🎭 Barbara
Olivier, a handsome but callow and moody young student, picks up an enthusiastic actress during a theatre rehearsal, and is introduced to her acquaintances -- a group of jaded rich kids who spend ...
It is fruit-picking season in the plain and pickers come from all over and live in a camp for several weeks. Among the many pretty girls are Kissa, a natural vamp who delights in exciting men; Ma ...