Musicales de Violeta Ferraz

Películas de Violeta Ferraz filtradas por género

🎭 Dona Ernesta
In the Rio de Janeiro Central Station, the infamous pickpocket Mão Leve meets Ernestina—a Northeastern girl looking for a job—with whom he falls in love. Willing to conquer her, the thief de ...
A woman impressed by news reports about flying saucers, gets hit on the head by a vase, passes out and dreams that she is the 'Queen of Mars', from where she sends an expedition to Earth in order ...
A lady, owner of a large area of land where it is believed there are several oil wells, is almost fooled by the president of a pseudo petroleum company into giving up her property for nothing, bu ...
🎭 Madame Pau Pereira
A precious necklace is stolen during a convention at Quitandinha Palace, a hotel in which a wives conference is deciding whether or not unfaithful husbands should receive the death penalty. ...