Películas dramáticas de Vincenzo Falanga

Películas de Vincenzo Falanga filtradas por género

🎭 amico del contrabbandiere Pietravalle
Tras cumplir una condena de dos años por robo, Tonino Russo, hijo de un pobre y honrado zapatero, y novio de una obrera llamada Ana, es desafiado en duelo por un compañero de barrio. A la lucha ...
Rome, Italy. After committing a heinous crime, a senior police officer exposes evidence incriminating him because his moral commitment prevents him from circumventing the law and the social order ...
🎭 A Henchman of Don Mariano's
Set in Sicily, this violent crime drama tells the tale of an Italian cop who heads to a small island town to look into the death of a construction supplier. Once there he is shocked by the influe ...
🎭 Mazzolatore
A middle-aged plumber quits his job and questions his life after seeing somebody his own age suddenly die from a heart attack on his way to work. ...