Películas de terror de Tony DiBenedetto

Películas de Tony DiBenedetto filtradas por género

🎭 Bum
The alien criminal from the first movie is dead, but he left a few eggs which are hatching now. The good alien, who still inhabits Tom Beck's body, has been waiting just in case this happened. Un ...
🎭 Lt. Jericho
After witnessing her lover being murdered by his jealous wife, Angela seeks refuge in a church where she encounters a young priest named Michael, who gives her sanctuary. But the killing was not ...
🎭 Nick
Dos mujeres viven solas en el aristocrático barrio neoyorkino de Brooklyn. Una de ella, una madura lesbiana, alquila los servicios de un taxista para que, haciendo uso de su actitud agresiva y v ...