Películas dramáticas de Tong Tin-Hei

Películas de Tong Tin-Hei filtradas por género

🎭 Master Yan
A young peasant boy who is bullied by local noblemen seeks to learn drunken boxing from the head of a local martial arts school. When the boy beats up his previous tormentors, the nobles patriarc ...
🎭 Long Er
La actriz principal es Shu Pei Pei, que es bastante contundente como una luchadora sin sentido vestida con una variedad de coloridas modas de espadachines. Llegó al final del ciclo de espadachi ...
🎭 Assistant police captain
🎭 Black Demon's Disciple #3
🎭 Bangling Trio Member
While a brave Chinese general and his men fight against the Tartar invaders, several swordsmen try to obtain twelve golden medallions on whose possession depends the future of the Song dynasty. ...