Películas de animación de Thomas Belair

Películas de Thomas Belair filtradas por género

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November 2015. Violette's parents are killed in the Paris terror attacks. She is sent to live with her uncle, a gruff man she hardly knows, who is a caretaker at the Versailles chateau. Little do ...
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Febrero, 1939. Abrumado por la oleada de republicanos que huyen de la dictadura de Franco, el gobierno francés opta por confinar a los españoles en campos de concentración. En uno de aquellos ...
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Bad as a scab and stupid as a serin, the Bengal salsify terrorises his palace. Closely, all he eats does not make him happy: if he sleeps he would badly sleep, if he awakes he would live not much ...
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The Moomins along with Little My and Snorkmaiden had a sea journey that after storms and desert island dangers leads the family to Riviera, the place that takes their unity to the test. ...