Comedias de Taqim Zaki

Películas de Taqim Zaki filtradas por género

🎭 Ikmal
Co-workers Ikmal, Botak and Mok find out about an urban legend at their work place - their work building requires an annual sacrifice after a woman had committed suicide there years ago. The urba ...
🎭 Don Daniel
Midah, Rohayu and Ani, 3 widows from a kampung deep in a plantation, are all diehard fans of Aiman Zalini. When the singer’s last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything th ...
🎭 Faris
Following the popular 2012 drama series of the same name, this movie welcomes back the huge, chaotic family of Haj Iskandar, his wife Mak Jah, his five children and their respective families. The ...
🎭 Firdaus