Películas dramáticas de Suthee Muarnwacha

Películas de Suthee Muarnwacha filtradas por género

👔 Costume Designer
Ib y Boum se hicieron una promesa de sangre en Bangkok allá por al año 1997, la mayor demostración de amistad, suicidarse juntas. Cuando Boum renuncia a esta promesa y decide vivir, el fantas ...
👔 Costume Designer
Perth y Tan son dos amigos que siempre compiten entre si. Todo va bien hasta que su novia Ice se suicida. El fantasma de Ice comienza a rondar a Perth culpándolo de su muerte con una particular ...
🎭 Costume Designer
The film is divided into three parts; the first is named "14," featuring the problems of two teenagers and social networks. The second part is named "21/28" and is about two former actor and actr ...
🎭 Costume Designer
Tock, heir to a long line of comedians has a problem. He is not funny. Constantly upstage by his younger sister, he falls in love with a dermatologist who incidentally is the only one who finds h ...