Películas de acción de Stefano Rolla

Películas de Stefano Rolla filtradas por género

🎭 Story
A British Colonel is angry with his superiors after his entire platoon is slaughtered by the Germans in what he saw as a suicide mission. So for his next mission, he takes along a platoon a convi ...
👔 First Assistant Director
🎭 Assistant Director
The ten gladiators are hired to travel to Arbela, a small country on the outskirts of the Roman Empire to learn if Parthia is planning to war with Rome. Upon arriving, the heroes decide to kidnap ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
Roccia and a band of fellow gladiators join forces with a patrician named Glaucus Valerius to replace Nero, (and his evil henchman, Tigelinus), with a new emperor: Servius Galba. During the cours ...