Películas de fantasía de Stefano Chierchié

Películas de Stefano Chierchié filtradas por género

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Vladimiro and Brunilde are grappling with the disappearance of Nando, the head of the family. The sad event brought together the human family of Luna, daughter of Nando, and the monstrous one of ...
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A loving young couple discover they're expecting a child, but the man isn't too keen on introducing her girlfriend to his family. Is it because he has a vampire father, a witch mother, a ghostly ...
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A pesar del sufrimiento que le causa a Geppetto, Pinocho emprende un viaje para conocerse a sí mismo, durante el cual tendrá que enfrentarse a diversos peligros: lo perseguirán unos asesinos, ...
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In Sicily, in a time not yet forgotten, in the heart of a small secluded town populated by cicadas, ticks and venomous snakes, that which made a man a real man was not riches or power, but his ho ...