Películas sobre crímenes Stefaan Schieder

Películas de Stefaan Schieder filtradas por género

🎭 Executive Producer
On the site of a former children's home, the remains of ten babies and one adult are found. At the dead man's ring, a former psychologist recognizes her missing husband. But the police do not bel ...
👔 Line Producer
Cuatro personas mueren en un atentado cometido en Turín. Philippa, una profesora de inglés, es arrestada sin ofrecer resistencia alguna. No se defiende de las acusaciones y parece sentirse comp ...
🎭 Line Producer
The funny clown Bratislav Metulskie is found dead in circus "Apollo". The retired commissioner 00 Schneider is asked to assume control of the case. Schneider and his aged sidekick Körschgen inve ...