Películas sobre crímenes Sofi Jikan

Películas de Sofi Jikan filtradas por género

🎭 Mat Todak
Midah, Rohayu and Ani, 3 widows from a kampung deep in a plantation, are all diehard fans of Aiman Zalini. When the singer’s last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything th ...
🎭 Qalif
A group of terrorists have taken over a village and are holding the villagers hostage. Special Forces from Malaysia and Indonesia are tasked with handling the incident but their mission fails. No ...
🎭 Big Joe
Amir and Loqman, two lowly criminals who are just not cut out for the life of crime, resort to trying their hands at robbing money changers upon learning that they must pay a whopping RM30,000 to ...
🎭 Ajib Sengat
Zizan Razak plays Abang Long Fadil, a man who constantly dreams that his life is that of a gangster. But when his best friend, Malik goes to prison, then more chaos ensues and daydreaming may not ...
🎭 Ajib Sengat
Two brothers, Malek and Jai, are indirectly thrust headlong into the world of gangsters and crime when their father died 10 years ago. Since their father's death, Malek, Jai and their mother have ...
Hisham, a drug dealer, finds himself stuck in a situation where he had to hand over his young son to a homeless woman. Hisham is caught and jailed. Mariam, who is a few cans short of a six pack r ...