Películas sobre crímenes Sebastiàn Moradiellos

Películas de Sebastiàn Moradiellos filtradas por género

🎭 Casting
Gabriel Laurens, fifty years old, is a «private investigator». When his fifteen-year-old niece Jade comes into his life and asks him to investigate her father’s death, the detective is confro ...
👔 Casting
Brahim es un hombre joven y secretamente gay. En la fiesta de cumpleaños de su madre, las tensiones en torno a su sexualidad no aceptada se vuelven insoportables. Brahim huye de la opresiva casa ...
🎭 Casting
Christmas 1999, in a peaceful little village in the Ardennes. The life of a young boy named Antoine will soon be devastated by three tragic events : the death of a dog, the vanishing of a child, ...