Películas familiares de Sebastian Bezzel

Películas de Sebastian Bezzel filtradas por género

🎭 Andreas Maurer
12-year-old Florian and his beloved dog Lassie live in an idyllic village in the German countryside. When Florian's father loses his job, the family have to move into a small apartment where ther ...
🎭 King Wilbur
Gaspard is menestrel at the court of King Wilbur. He and Princess Ella love each other and want to get married and discover the world together. But Ella's father King Wilbur does not accept it. H ...
🎭 Basti
The 37-year-old Munich survivor and rickshaw driver Basti struck by lightning than one day unexpectedly the 17-year-old Dina from Bitterfeld turns up on his doorstep and quite credible claims to ...