Comedias de Samart Payakaroon

Películas de Samart Payakaroon filtradas por género

🎭 Mard
An elder leader of an ethnic musician group wills to teach his daughters authentic musical ways. He struggles to do so because they like indie music and many guys try to win over them. ...
🎭 Moh Choeng-muay
They're hired to complete a new extreme mission for the sake of one thing only: their country. During World War II, Japanese troops have occupied and spreads their power throughout East Asia. The ...
🎭 Songpol Gangster No. 2
Cho, el hombre más rico de Tailandia, es asesinado por unos gangsters. Su hijo, Chaichol, furioso decide despedir a su guardaespaldas. Pero cuando Cahichol descubre que él es el siguiente objet ...
🎭 Maat
In exchange for a big sum of money, four Thai guys went to Africa to investigate a region where mysterious murders are occurring. Armed with carbines and just enough courage, they try to put some ...