Comedias de Rudy Sooter

Películas de Rudy Sooter filtradas por género

🎭 Miner (uncredited)
A wagon train heads for Denver with a cargo of whisky for the miners. Chaos ensues as the Temperance League, the US cavalry, the miners and the local Indians all try to take control of the valuab ...
🎭 Bass Player (uncredited)
Tom Destry, hijo de un legendario pacificador de la frontera, es un joven pacífico que rechaza todo tipo de violencia, por lo que es objeto de toda clase de burlas cuando recorre a caballo la ci ...
🎭 Guitarist
When mild mannered Friendly Fields is sent to the Blair ranch to work, he is mistaken for the notorious outlaw Blackie Burke. When a drought develops and the ranchers look for new grazing land, h ...