Series de animación de Roberta Greganti

Series de Roberta Greganti filtradas por género

🎭 Faragonda
In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! At a magic school, five teenage girls are selected to defend the universe with their magic. ...
🎭 Marta (IT)
Like it happens with every family all around the world, also in Italy the spaghetti family, an average, pretty large and messy family, has its own problems. While the mum is the typical "mama", t ...
🎭 Iside (voice)
Leo es un chico que siente verdadera pasión por el antiguo Egipto. A parte de los problemas de cualquier adolescente, el joven tendrá que enfrentarse a los peligros de un mundo paralelo: el de ...