Películas románticas de Robert Gaillard

Películas de Robert Gaillard filtradas por género

🎭 Novel
In 1635, Jacques du Parquet, the nephew of the well known explorer Belain d'Esnambic, enters a tavern in Dieppe, and falls in love with the daughter of the bartender, Marie Bonnard. He knows his ...
🎭 Wearywold - The Policeman
To start a little in advance of our story, Lord Rintoul, of the English nobility, finds a little Gypsy girl three years old, who had been deserted by her parents. Fifteen years later, Gavin Disha ...
🎭 The Rajah
Mabel, the beautiful daughter of General Lewis, has considerable variety of her love affairs when she finds herself loved by Lieutenant Graham, of her father's staff, and very much sought after b ...