Películas del Oeste / Westerns de Ricardo Canales

Películas de Ricardo Canales filtradas por género

🎭 Joe Harmon
Escaped outlaw Jose Gomez returns to his home town pursued by bounty killer Luke Chilson. The towns people protect Gomez, unaware, at first, that he is now a changed and dangerous man. ...
🎭 Alcalde de San Agustin
Story of two friends who rescue bumbling bandit Fidel from a shootout. While patching him up, they discover half of a treasure map tattooed on his back. Learning that the other half is tattooed o ...
🎭 Renoir
Un mestizo cazador se alista en la Policía Montada de Canadá con el fin de encontrar al hombre que violó y asesinó a su hermana. Los indios y los mestizos han unido sus fuerzas para luchar co ...
🎭 Médico
Set in rural South of Spain in the 19th century, tells the story of group of outlaws, from very different origins, trying to survive, hiding from the law enforcement officers in caves in a hilly ...