Películas dramáticas de Remo Rocha

Películas de Remo Rocha filtradas por género

🎭 Major Silva Lima
The trajectory of Antônio Carlos Bernardes Gomes, known as Mussum, from Trapalhões. His poor childhood, his military career, his relationship with Mangueira and his success with the group Origi ...
🎭 Donato
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the background, Batista, an inveterate alcoholic and ...
🎭 Otávio
What if life blindsided destiny? What if happiness was found in the unlikeliest of places? When do we allow ourselves to embrace the new without fear of letting go of the past? Gil is a twenty ye ...