Comedias de Ray Dumas

Películas de Ray Dumas filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
While Marty is watching over his parent's home for the weekend, his buddies talk him into hosting a poker night but they don't tell him that the winning prize for the game is a hooker. ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Summer war games between the neighborhood kids turns deadly serious when jealousy and betrayal enter the mix, in this alternately hilarious and horrifying black comedy that mixes equal parts Lord ...
🎭 Camera Operator
This short cartoon tells the story of a bear who didn’t believe in Christmas. His main problem with this most magical of holidays? Too many Santas. How would he ever recognize the real one? Alo ...
🎭 Camera Operator
A cartoon film about the whole heterogeneous mixture of Canada and Canadians, and the way the invisible adhesive called federalism makes it all cling together. That the dissenting voices are many ...