Comedias de Dato' Rahim Razali

Películas de Dato' Rahim Razali filtradas por género

🎭 Bapak
The films story takes place over the course of one day. Bapak senses that he does not have much time left and so he invites his offspring to have dinner with him the next evening. He want to disc ...
Rayyan, Sam & Lana tries to stop an influential tycoon from using aliens to sabotage the Malaysian government without realizing it can also destroy the entire solar system. ...
Rokiah, A village girl who is messy (unfashionable) but full of spirit has been offered a job in a corporate company in the big city of Kuala Lumpur. Rokiah did not think she had to deal with suc ...
🎭 Imam Halim
Talib felt that his life was empty and he began to study the Book of Riyadus Solihin together with Halim who was made a friend and teacher to discuss the contents of the book. At the same time, h ...
🎭 Tok Siak
Ahmad Nizamuddin is a handsome, smart and tough young man but he is a bit slow in his thinking. He had no purpose in life until he watched the Pencetus Ummah promo. Since then, Ahmad has cultivat ...
🎭 Dr Sheikh Muzaffar
The story tells of a girl named Nik 20s through Melati Sukma is depressed again because they have not kberkahwin. Various efforts made ​​by both parents namely Fatimah and Nik Mat for membole ...
🎭 Datuk Zakaria Hitam
What happens when prey and predator are both trapped on a luxury cruise ship? Two gold digging girls, Bella and Intan, come face to face with three Datuks, three Datuk's wives, two Datuk's childr ...
🎭 Tan Sri Rahim