Películas dramáticas de Putthipong Sriwat

Películas de Putthipong Sriwat filtradas por género

A group of friends visit the scenic town of Pai between Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Song to look for an idea to make a good movie that will best describe the story of this town. They have different o ...
🎭 Lord Wang
The story is set in 1890s Siam. Siang is a young Muay Thai warrior and rocketry expert who steals back water buffalo taken from poor Isan farmers by unscrupulous cattle raiders. He is searching f ...
🎭 X Man
The story unveils the mysterious world of Club X, one of Thailand’s most famous urban legends. Club X is a hidden community where people from all walks of life gather to discuss their most biza ...
🎭 Po
Three young hipster men who share an apartment in Bangkok are each chasing after a woman, but are unaware that it's the same woman they are after. ...