Comedias de Pornthip Prasertyingsuk

Películas de Pornthip Prasertyingsuk filtradas por género

🎭 Jane's Mother
Jane, a young freshman at university has a name like a woman so he ends up in a girl dormitory. He decides to change his name to Jenny and becomes a cross dresser so that no one knows he is a man ...
🎭 Nok
It's Boonchu's last year at the university, but all his friends, including his girlfriend Molee, already graduated. Although he's still a student, Boonchu and his friends are tasked with helping ...
🎭 Nok
It's Boonchu's second year in college and he tries to impress his girlfriend by running for University President to help those poor students and reestablish new rules and conditions of the schola ...
🎭 Nok
Boonchu fails to pass the entrance exam for the university so he goes back home. With the help of Head Monk at Suphan, Boonchu is able to return to Bangkok to prepare for his next entrance exam. ...