Películas dramáticas de Piotr Siwkiewicz

Películas de Piotr Siwkiewicz filtradas por género

🎭 ksiądz Jacek
Old friends come to the reunion of alumni, for whom the meeting after many years is an opportunity for memories, but also comparisons of who have been most successful in their lives. ...
🎭 Szymon/ Grandfather/ Great-Grandfather/Great-Great-Grandfather
🎭 Marcyś Siedlecki
Young people living in Poland in the late 1960s had to face difficult times and make tough choices. Some of them were forced to leave their country for having Jewish origin. And for political rea ...
🎭 Pawel Mitura 'Ringo'
En los años sesenta, un grupo de jóvenes de un instituto de una pequeña población de la Polonia comunista decide formar una banda de música con la intención de tocar canciones de "The Beatl ...