Películas de terror de Pietro Innocenzi

Películas de Pietro Innocenzi filtradas por género

🎭 Executive Producer
Jacopo, Duke, and Lenka wake up in the apartment Lenka shares with her roommate Elizabeth to find Elizabeth mysteriously murdered. None of the three has any memory of what happened and they spend ...
🎭 Producer
Marco, a television journalist, reads "red lies" on his teletext system in order to gather material on the homosexual world for a story he's working on. Unfortunately, he is implicated in a seri ...
🎭 Producer
Police Comissioner Datti is investigating the murder of a female doctor whose murderer seems to be a thirty-fivish year old man. Soon another murder follows: Pianist Robert Dominici's girlfriend ...
🎭 Executive In Charge Of Production
A young man, armed with a magical bow and arrows, embarks on a mystical journey through a mystical land to rid it of all evil and joins forces with an outlaw to take down an evil witch bent on cl ...
🎭 Photographer (uncredited)
Don Giorgio, a handsome young priest and teacher in a convent, is involved with two lovers: Orchidea and Giulia. When he repents and vows to return to the Church, he is savagely beaten to death ...