Thrillers, películas de suspense de Pierre Forget

Películas de Pierre Forget filtradas por género

🎭 Farmer Laurent
Rex y Saskia son una pareja de holandeses de vacaciones en Francia. En una gasolinera, Saskia desaparece sin dejar rastro. Rex dedica tres años de su vida a intentar encontrar a su novia sin éx ...
🎭 Albert
Edouard Binet, an aimless Frenchman, has been travelling in North Africa for many years, and is sailing to Belgium. En route, he meets Sylvie Baron. He introduces her to Nemrod Lobetoum, a rich E ...
🎭 Serge Olivier
Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired robber, Noel, who lives in comfort with his lo ...
🎭 Le tenancier de l'hôtel
Francois always despised the textile barons who ruled his local town. But he fell in love with the family heiress Gilberte. Ten years ago, he would have married her. Now only hatred holds them to ...
Tras sufrir un accidente en Londres, un reputado científico soviético es secuestrado por el servicio secreto británico, que finge su muerte. De él pretenden conseguir los nombres de los agent ...