Telefilms de Phil Savath

Películas de Phil Savath filtradas por género

🎭 Producer
How can a smart middle class girl suddenly turn into a devoted right wing debater? That's what happens with Catherine when she meets the charismatic leaders of the neo-nazi organization NIM. Cath ...
🎭 Producer
Des is an eleven year old kid who has had a really bad deal in life. Crime and mischief are the main staples of his life and he and his friends cruise around the city and do things like vandalize ...
🎭 Producer
The true story of an eleven year old girl who has a reputation for telling tall tales. So when she accuses her father of molesting her, will anybody believe her story? ...
🎭 Dr. Mosher
Dan and Julie Evans are looking for a fresh start after Dan is cut from his pro football team due to age. They move into a palatial, coastal house and Dan starts a new career as a sportscaster, b ...