Películas históricas de Petro Beniuk

Películas de Petro Beniuk filtradas por género

The film about the Holodomor famine in Ukraine, based on the novel 'The Yellow Prince' by Vasyl Barka. The film is told through the lives of the Katrannyk family of six. It relies more on images ...
The events take place in the XIX century, in the Carpathian mountains. It is the screen adaptation of the novel by Hnat Khotkevych based on the legend of brave leaders who fought against the Aust ...
XIII century. Prince Daniel of Galicia returned from the Horde, where he graciously have allowed to rule in Galicia in exchange for recognition his submission to Khan. But he can not accept the h ...
🎭 photographing man
Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the lates ...