Películas de aventuras de Patrick Waltz

Películas de Patrick Waltz filtradas por género

🎭 Hotel Clerk
El agente chino Tung-Tze planea desviar un misil para destruir el centro de misiles de Alamogordo. El ex agente Matt Helm (Dean Martin), que lleva una vida apacible, no desea involucrarse en el a ...
🎭 Pilot
While in Canada Timmy and Lassie encounter a downed hot air ballonist. By accident they end up in the balloon which takes them into the wilderness. The young boy and his dog must find a way to su ...
🎭 Lt. Larry Turner
A mission to Venus discovers the planet inhabited only by women led by their evil Queen Yllana. Yllana had all the men of Venus killed, now that's she met Earth men, she wants them dead, too. ...