Comedias de Panu Raipia

Películas de Panu Raipia filtradas por género

🎭 Director
The years have passed and the children have flown from the nest to the world... except they haven't. On the contrary. Jonna and Junnu have been lured back home, with the addition of Jonna's child ...
🎭 Vartija
The years have passed and the children have flown from the nest to the world... except they haven't. On the contrary. Jonna and Junnu have been lured back home, with the addition of Jonna's child ...
Un arisco anciano choca con su nuera cuando, a consecuencia de una caída, tenga que trasladarse a vivir con la familia de su hijo a Helsinski, una ciudad moderna, lejos de su entorno. Su nuera e ...