Comedias de Palomma Duarte

Películas de Palomma Duarte filtradas por género

🎭 Suzana Pessegueiro
Roberta and Suzana are two sisters, both in their thirties, of totally different beauty and life styles, united by a common goal: to take revenge on their grandmother, a mean old woman who, in th ...
🎭 Madá/Maria
God decides to take a vacation, but first He has to find a saint who can rule the universe while He's away. So He goes to the Northeast of Brazil, where He believes there's a very good man for th ...
🎭 Aurora / Monique
Angel works in a wedding dress store. Ulisses, her boyfriend, works as personal trainer. They are swallowed for the television and, to leave, need to discover how to use the Ulisses' ring. ...