Películas de terror de Pablo Ripoll

Películas de Pablo Ripoll filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
A plumber rejects many sexual propositions from his clients for the love of his wife. But one day, when he gets home, he finds his wife with another man in bed. From then on, the attitude to his ...
👔 Director of Photography
Un escritor se hospeda en un parador situado en un bosque y regentado por una mujer marcada por los malos tratos a los que fue sometida por parte de su marido. De inmediato entabla una buena rela ...
🎭 Director of Photography
A groundskeeper's son, who is mentally unstable due to childhood trauma, goes on a murdering spree where his perception of reality is distorted by imagining people as mannequins and vice versa. ...
🎭 Director of Photography
In 13th century Berzano, a legion of knights known as the Templar were executed for conducting black magic rituals and committing human sacrifices in a quest for eternal life. 700 years later, th ...