Películas históricas de Oliver Emert

Películas de Oliver Emert filtradas por género

👔 Set Decoration
Septiembre, 1942. El frente del Norte de África fue uno de los más importantes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Rock Hudson y George Peppard forman parte de un comando integrado por ingleses y jud ...
🎭 Set Decoration
A knight in the service of a duke goes to a coastal village where an earlier attempt to build a defensive castle has failed. He begins to rebuild the duke's authority in the face of the barbarian ...
🎭 Set Decoration
Based on the beloved book by Scott O'Dell, this family movie tells the adventures of a young Native American girl. After her father is killed by a malevolent white trapper, Karana joins her commu ...
🎭 Set Decoration
Roman centurion Marcian is captured by Attila the Hun en route to Constantinople, but escapes. On arrival, he finds the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius plotting with Attila to look the other way ...
🎭 Set Decoration
In the days of King Henry IV, stalwart young Myles and his sister Meg have been raised as peasants, without any knowledge of who their father really was. But one day, they journey to Macworth Cas ...
🎭 Set Decoration
A United States Navy ship in the first half of the 19th century, under the command of Captain David Porter, is expecting to put ashore after a year on the seas; but the arrival of one of Porter's ...