Películas románticas de Олег Даль

Películas de Олег Даль filtradas por género

🎭 Alexander Kanavin, actor and director of the local theater
🎭 Sergey
On the eve of his wedding, a young doctor leaves Moscow to see his mother who lives in a nature reserve. Things are complicated by the fact that the doctor's ex-girlfriend is also there, and she ...
🎭 начальник караула в Петропавловской крепости
In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revolution against the autocratic and tyran ...
🎭 Zhenya Kolyshkin
Touching story about love of a young romantic man (Zhenia), who is a soldier of Guard Mortar Division (Division of "Katusha" Reactive Mortars) and a girl-telegraphist (Little Zhenia) at the last ...
🎭 Sanya
Svetlana, young pretty girl, works as a trolleybus driver in a small town and almost all her permanent passengers are at least a little bit in love with her. ...