Comedias de Norman Hakim

Películas de Norman Hakim filtradas por género

🎭 Aiman Zalini
Midah, Rohayu and Ani, 3 widows from a kampung deep in a plantation, are all diehard fans of Aiman Zalini. When the singer’s last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything th ...
🎭 Herman
"Gila-Gila Pengantin Popular" tells the story of a young man named Zul who is engaged to Fatima. While they are planning their wedding, Fatima is selected to participate in a singing contest on a ...
🎭 Johari
This movie tells the story of Aliah, who wants to get married, just like any other girl, but the problem is she has a phobia of the wedding ceremony itself due to a past incident. At the same tim ...