Filmografía de Nappon Gomarachun como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Nappon Gomarachun

🎭 Wira
Here we are in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. A new virus is about to emerge, a virus that could kill the whole nation in the blink of an eye. The information of the virus is sent to Nich ...
🎭 General Jang Sei Yang
When a remote Thai village is overrun by terrorists armed with a nuclear missile, an elite undercover operative leads the most unique fighting force ever assembled in a heroic bid to save their n ...
🎭 Col. Lavia
Story about a group of commandos trying to retrieve some gold, which is stored in a NASA capsule. During the operation, they confront another commando group led by two evil mercenaries (one of th ...
The border of Burma and Thailand is lawless place, where people live and die by the law of the gun. Into this situation comes a young police lieutenant, intent on reforming the rough and rowdy lo ...
An unmarked U.S. Airforce plane carrying $200 million in gold is shot down over Communist Laos. In a race against time the CIA dispatch an elite force of hand-picked agents to recover the treasur ...