Filmografía de Àngels Aymar como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Àngels Aymar

🎭 Hore 1
Elling has lived with his mother all his life. Mom is the practical one, while Elling ponders the more theoretical aspects of life. He spends his time in their apartment reading books and looking ...
🎭 Nieves
Yoshio Tawahashi es un joven japonés que trabaja como cartero en Tokio. Gana un concurso de televisión que tiene como premio viajar durante diez días por cinco capitales europeas. En el vuelo ...
🎭 Tinina
Sofía, a dentist, and Tristán, owner of a shoe store, live in the same building but have never met or even seen each other. Disenchanted with love, both have sworn never to fall in love again, ...
🎭 Girl with bubble gum