Telefilms de Nico Rogner

Películas de Nico Rogner filtradas por género

🎭 Thomas Gremme
Klaus Gremme, a retired instructor with the combat swimmers at the Baltic Sea, sets off for Lake Constance to meet his son Thomas and his grandchildren. They don't know anything about him because ...
🎭 Eric
On business trip in Milan, Bavarian architect Max Hauser falls in love with strong-willed waitress Bianca, who is fired for speaking up to his rude colleagues. When he proposes, she runs, but he ...
🎭 Niksch
One morning, a Japanese monk shows up in a village: He does not speak a word, has a head injury and is evidently on the run. Chief Inspector Louise Bonì immediately senses that the young man is ...
🎭 Daniel Seigner
The truth about the ailing state of the Haut-Rhin nuclear power plant in the tri-border region is to come to light - this is the goal of the assassin David Kollwein. He brings the power plant in ...