Películas dramáticas de Ng Kin-hung

Películas de Ng Kin-hung filtradas por género

👔 Producer
🎭 Producer
Three troubled young girls will do anything to escape their stifling lives - even if it means turning to drugs and prostitution. Set in the generation of smartphones and web 2.0, the technology m ...
🎭 Co-Producer
A young scholar named Yangsheng who gets married to the beautiful daughter of a local merchant. When their sex life proves unsatisfactory, Yangsheng leaves home and journeys to the Pavilion of Ul ...
👔 Producer
🎭 Producer
After working as an undercover in a triad for 8 years, Sheng finally arrests the triad leader and resumes his duties as a police officer. However, life does not return to normal as he is faced wi ...
👔 Production Manager